Sunday, February 26, 2012

Happy Birthday, Honey!

I'm trying to look all wonderful in this video. Maybe I should a looked in the mirror first so I could wipe off the GLOB of chocolate under my lower lip!! Haha! No, I didn't develop a new mole. Chocolate. :D

Happy 40th Mahonry

We loved it when you played 'chauffeur/agent Sanchez' for Alex's prom group.
It was classic - especially your ear piece!!

Mahonry, you have played a huge part in the life of our family. You have been more than just a good friend; you have actually helped us raise our kids. Our boys loved to play basketball with you – still do. We loved it when you would come to our house and ask if Alex could go out and play. Thank you for that; you have made them better men.

Once your family moved to Utah your family became an extension of our family here in San Diego. When we wanted to have a mini-reunion in Utah it happened at your home. When you needed a home in San Diego the “Sanchez Suite” was always ready for you. When Sarah gets homesick at college she always goes to your home to fill the empty hole in her heart (until she totaled her car). You have blessed her and you have given wonderful advice. Mahonry, you and your family have quite literally become an extension of our family. We feel completely at home in your family and we hope your family is at home in ours.

Mahonry, you are also very talented when it comes to languages. You can speak Spanish with our boys, you can speak English to our girls and you and Fred can even speak Dutch together. You could also get by speaking Portuguese with Ben. Mahonry, we consider you a very good friend and we love you and your beautiful family. 

Happy 40th Birthday!

Love & Hugs,

Fred & Lisa
May 2008

Puppet Maho, from the Gabes!

Getting old couldn't be too bad...

Happy Birthday, Maho! Here's a little video to give you some encouragement.  --Sam

Darth Vadar, Spider Man...??!?

Happy Birthday! Love the Larsen's

E-card from Aunt Bobbie and Uncle Collin

Lol and Gompy's Letter

This is a letter from Molly's parents, Curt and Mary.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Cinco Ninas Locas!!

From the Shane's


Victoria, Paxton, Carina, Javis, Siani

I've been trying to think of what to say for Maho's birthday memory blog/book/video that you're doing. I'm sorry this isn't more original... Shane would have something funny if he did it. Anyway, we both think of Maho as a really great guy. Super nice, very personable and pleasant to be around. We really like him. As for memories, I think one of my favorite is the Christmas/New Year's holiday we spent at your parent's house in Heber just following Maggie and Abram's wedding. Seems like it was Christmas Eve and I happened to go in the laundry room, where Shane and one of your other brothers had gathered and were laughing and joking. I am sorry, I don't even remember which one it was. Pretty bad, I know. Seems like it was probably Rory, but I'm not completely sure. Anyway, I was there just a few minutes when Maho comes in as well. By this point the laundry room is getting quite full. Maho, being the fun guy he is, joins in on the laughing and joking - but very innocently and politely and we just were busting our guts laughing. I don't even think he realized how funny he was, at least not at first. Anyway, that was one of the highlights of that Christmas for me, laughing with all those guys, and Maho played a big part.

One other thing about Maho that has always impressed me is what a good dad he is. The way he sits around with all your girls and is such a special part of their lives is so wonderful. I sure think highly of him.

Hermano y Hermana Anderson

Greetings from Coach McGeary

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tenneessee Greetings Y'all!

We are still working on joke delivery, ha-ha.
Hope to be seeing you soon!
Henry, Di, Logan, Kamryn, and Aubrey

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What Do You Know About Tio Maho?

On your special day...

HaPpY bIrThDaY tIo MaHo!

Hey Tio Maho! This is our happy birthday from us to you. We love you! enjoy! Oh and try not to laugh too hard ;D

Memorias Especialies de tu Mami

Es un placer escribirte a ceca da Maho, no te podre mandar fotos o videos pero espero, te sirvan se que si algunas cosas que pasaron con Maho a medida que estaba creciendo, en una ocacion a la hora de la comida, ya estaba servida la mesa y todos sentados pero en ese momento se le ocurrio ir al bano, yo ya les habia sevido sus vasos con limonada y hielos, y en lo que el se fue sus hielos se derritieron, cuando el regreso y vio su vaso sin hielos empeso a llorar y a pegarles a sus hemanitos que estaban cerca de el diciendo mami ellos me tomaron mis hielos , sus hermanos estando mas grandes supiero lo que paso con los hielos y todos estabamos muertos de risa, y entre mas nos reiamos el mas lloraba y les pegaba, el solo tenia 5 anos, en ee mismo tiempo en su primer dia de kinder, se salto la barda y llego a la tienda que estaba solo enfrente del kinder, cuando lo vi le pregunte como salio y me dijo tan facil, me brinque la barda, fui y lo regrese a la escuela y le explique que no podia hacerlo otra vez, maho desde nino fue deportista jugo canicas, cada manana salia con sus 2 canicas preferidas y regresaba con muchas por que siempre ganaba, fue muy bueno con la patineta y en un concurso el iba adelante y algun nino se le atrabeso y lo tiro, yo estaba cerca se paro y le dije corre que aunque no tengas el primer lugar para mi y para ti lo tendras por que te caiste, si no te hubieras caido el primmer lugar seria para ti , corre Maho corre, Maho jugo Beisball y el hermano que los entrenaba siempre me encontraba y me decia, hermana por favor mandeme a Maho que hoy es el entrenamiento, jugo basketball, tenia 14 anos y estaba con un equipo en la capilla de San Marcos y una noche estaban jugando con el equipo del pueblo y estaban muy enojados por que Maho les tapaba todas las pelotas, yo estaba junto a 2 muchachos que estaban diciendo, mira ese perro refiriendose a Maho, y dijero si pierde nuestro equipo le vamos a dar una traquiza, no supieron que yo era la mama, pero cuando termino el juego me ecerque a Maho y junto con otros muchachos me lo lleve a la casa, un dia encontraron unos perritos de una perra entro al Bene, y los llevaron a la casa escondidas, los pusieron en una caja de carton, debajo de su cama ya que Mar y Maho dormian en literas, en la noche oimos unos chillidos raros y me pare y eran los perritos me pudo mucho quitarselos a los 2, pero no estaban permitidos perros,Maho siempre ha sido el de las risas, tambien siempre ha sido fuerte aunque no es tan grande, y terminare con algo espiritual, cuando le iba a llegar su llamamiento de la mision cada dia me hablaba y me preguntaba mami ya llego la carta, no ,contestaba, y el me dijo mami yo la quiero abrir, cuando llego la carta, el llego mas tarde a la casa y la abrio, cuando leyo Belgica , me dijo, mami esto es en Sud America y fuimos todos al basement tenia un mapa grande y le ensene donde estaba, estabamos teniendo problemas para la visa ,y llego un tiempo en que las autoridades dijeron que a lo mejor se le reasignaba a otra area, entonses yo le dije no Maho debemos de agotar los recursos por que quiero que tengas la oportunidad de ir a Belgica, y el me contesto mami no voy de turista o a pasear voy a ensenar el evangelio y a donde sea estara bien, yo senti la leccion mas fuerte de mi hijo y me dio verguenza , en la escuela jugo futball y ya saben que fue elegido para salir en el periodico ese ano, y Maho sigue jugando, y Maho es uno de mis 6 hijos que adoro.mami.